
Can you straighten your teeth without orthodontics?

In our society, a straight, even smile is highly prized. A few genetically lucky people have straight teeth naturally, but many turn to orthodontics (either traditional braces, or newer options like Invisalign) to straighten their teeth. However, some people desire a straighter smile, but don’t want to go through the hassle of months or even years of orthodontic treatment. Others had orthodontic treatment while they were teens, but then found that their teeth began to slip back out of alignment in their adult years.

If you’d like a more even smile, but without the hassle and expense of orthodontic treatment, we may have a solution for you. Using porcelain veneers, we can help some people achieve the look of straight teeth in just a few dental visits.

What are veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of the teeth in order to change their appearance. They are custom-created for each person. The placement generally requires only two visits, one to take impressions and prepare your teeth, and the second to permanently place them.

Veneers can be useful for a number of concerns about tooth alignment. For example, gaps between teeth can be covered by veneers. This may involve placing veneers on one or both of the teeth beside the gap. If teeth are crooked, with some teeth slightly in front of those next to them, we can create veneers that are thicker on one side than the other. If one or more teeth are slightly rotated, we can produce veneers that correct for this.

Are veneers right for me?

It’s very important to note that veneers don’t actually change the alignment of the teeth at all. They simply create the appearance of a straight smile. If your primary concern is cosmetic, then this is an option that can meet your needs. However, if you have other problems stemming from misalignment of the teeth (such as issues with the bite), then veneers will not be able to help, and you should consider orthodontic treatment.

In addition, veneers can only correct alignment to a certain degree. In general, we can address issues that are mild to moderate in nature. If your teeth are very misaligned, then we may not be able to use veneers to correct the issue. There are also certain issues that we simply can’t address with veneers; for example, front teeth that project forward too far.

Veneers at Cormier Family Dentistry in Shreveport

In order to find out whether “instant orthodontics” with porcelain veneers would be an option for you, you’ll need to visit a dentist with experience in cosmetic dentistry. After an examination and a discussion of your goals for your smile, your dentist will be able to let you know whether veneers may work for you. He or she will also check for signs of any functional problems (such as a misaligned bite), and will refer you to an orthodontist if this is necessary to protect your long-term dental health.

If you’re in the Shreveport area, we invite you to visit our office for a consultation. One of our dentists would be happy to meet with you and discuss your options. Drs. Adam and Jana Cormier have extensive experience, having each been in practice since 2001. If you’re a candidate, and you decide that instant orthodontics with veneers is right for you, their technical skills and artistic touch will help to ensure that you get the best possible result.


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